How to Unlock Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1?

Huawei has launched Mobile WiFi router E560 (E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1) with different band supports in various countries. If you are an owner of the Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi mobile router, then you have come to a nice place to unlock it.
Huawei E560 WiFi MiFi router
Huawei E560 WiFi MiFi router


How long we need to wait for a Huawei unlock code?

The approximate delivery time for a Huawei unlock code is 10 minutes to 8 hrs.

The average response time for a Huawei unlock code is 30 minutes (based on last 100 orders).

How to unlock Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi Mobile Router?

1. Make sure your Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 pocket router is fully charged.

2. Insert a non-acceptable Network SIM on your Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi Mobile router (You have to use another network provider SIM, which is currently locked to).

3. After changing the other network provider’s SIM on your Huawei WiFi / MiFi, turn it on. It will display “Invalid SIM” because you have used another network provider’s SIM.

4. Now just establish a WiFi connection to Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 router with your PC / IPAD / IPHONE / Android.

5. Connect the Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 with the PC and log in to your device’s dashboard. Go to Advanced Settings – SIM Settings  – Unlock Device – Enter Unlock Code – Click on Apply.


Open the Settings – Dial-up – Unlock SIM card – Enter 8-digit unlock code in your Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi mobile router. Click OK, and the device will reboot to display the new network.

Now your Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi Mobile Router Gateway is unlocked forever.

Note: Don’t try to insert wrong/free codes into your Huawei E560s-6 / E560s-2 / E560s-1 WiFi router; otherwise, it will be locked permanently. You can purchase from any server or can place an order here.

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