Shutdown Blocker lets you Block Shutdown, Restart & Logoff commands in Windows


Some of the software and even Windows update prompts for restart Windows. Many times we ignore the messages and restart our PC, resulting in loss of important data. If you are working on some important project, you may not want to shutdown/restart / Log off the PC. Shutdown Blocker is a freeware tool for Windows that allows you to prevent any shutdown, restart or log off Windows commands.


Shutdown Blocker portable works by registering a ShutdownBlockReasonCreate() reason and objecting to WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages. It can optionally be set to consume all calls to shutdown.exe and MusNotification.exe (among other things, this blocks Windows 10 Update restarts), but this requires running the app as an administrator.

To run this program, you need .NET Framework 4.0 or higher. To access all the features of this app, you have to run this app as an administrator.

Once you run the program, it starts blocking Shutdown. To send it in the notification tray, click on the hide button.

The app is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and can be downloaded this useful utility from here.

You might be interested in :

  1. Wise Auto Shutdown
  2. Auto Shutdown Genius
  3. Simple Shutdown Timer
  4. Ninja Shutdown
  5. How to Create a Shutdown button?
  6. Windows Reboot


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